
Sunday 21 June 2015

Points to note by an astute and diligent Teller before paying a cheque across the counter

1. Date on the cheque – it should not be stale

2. The presenter of the cheque, the payee [the cheque ] is not endorsed for another person

3. Amount in figures and words must agree

4. The cheque bears the signature authorized in the customer’s mandate

5. The cheque is not mutilated

6. The signature must be regular

7. There is sufficiency of fund to meet the payment

8. There is no stop notice/ countermand of order

9. There is no government order on the account

10. There is no bankruptcy notice on the customer

11. Any alterations on the cheque is duly signed by the authorized signatory

12. There is no court order freezing the account

13. No garnishee order on the account is received

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