
Tuesday 30 June 2015


The activities of organisations whether business or non-business, have finance as their centrepiece. The role of finance however reflects the objectives of an organisation. Therefore, financial management is a reflection of the nature and objectives of the organisation.  Financial management is thus a very important aspect of finance although it is not easy to separate financial management from the rest of other finance activities (Myres, 1976). However, an attempt to limit the areas of financial management can be made if one agrees with the fact that financial management itself requires the simultaneous consideration of three key financial decisions (Christy and Roden, 1973), namely:  

i) anticipation of financial needs of the organisation;

ii) acquisition of financial resources for the organisation;  
iii) allocation of financial resources within the organisation.

These three key financial decisions provide the basis for periodic financial analysis and interpretation of historical financial practices. The control measures which may be  contemplated by management or re-orientation of management strategies in turn depend on the analysis and interpretation of historical financial data.  

Financial management is, therefore, a dynamic and evolving art of making daily financial decisions and control in households, businesses, non-business organisations and government. It is a managerial activity which is concerned with planning, providing and controlling the financial resources at the disposal of an organisation. Thus, a financial manager continues to answer some basic questions like:   

√ What specific assets should the organisation    acquire?  

√ How much of funds should the organisation commit?   

√ How can such funds be acquired?  

Financial management system is, therefore, very important for adaptation in government, business and other organisations as it provides the theoretical concepts and analytical models and insights for making skillful financial decisions. However, the definition of financial management is influenced by its objectives. It can however, in general, be defined as the use of accounting knowledge, financial models, mathematical rules and some aspects of systems analysis and behavioural science for the specific purpose of assisting management in its function of financial planning, implementation and control.

The role of financial management in a simplified form is the synchronisation of receipts and payments flows. Thus, payments must be planned against receipts in order that the firm may remain liquid to the extent desired by management. In other words, financial management involves the management of funds inflows and outflows efficiently and effectively in order to guarantee the firm adequate liquidity. This implies effective management of financial resources in order to achieve a firm’s two most important objectives, namely: the maximisation of profits or maximisation of shareholder’s wealth and the maintenance of adequate liquidity level.

Functions of a Financial Manager

The financial manager assumes different names depending on the nature, size and organisational structure of the business. In some organisations, he is known as Finance Director or Director of Finance, in others, he is known as Finance Controller or General Manager (Finance).  Here, it will be assumed that the financial manager refers to the person in charge of the finance department of an organisation, whatever name he may be called. The financial manager is usually a member of the Board of Directors and he normally enlightens the board on financial implications of a firm’s decisions since most members of the Board are not usually adequately versed in financial terms and practices.

The functions of a financial manager pervade all the departments of an organisation in that he has to make key decisions affecting the operations of these departments as far as finances are concerned. And some of the functions are as follows,

1 Anticipation of the Financial Needs of an Organisation

Anticipation of the financial needs of an organisation involves the determination of how much the organisation would need within a certain period to run its activities.  This in essence is a forecasting activity. In other words, the financial manager has the responsibility of deciding how much funds his organisation would need within the short term, medium term and long term periods.  The short-term needs for funds are usually determined by considering series of cash inflows and outflows.  The financial manager can make a forecast of the firm’s financial requirements for a period of one month, one year or many years ahead. Forecasts are normally made in the form of budgets.
Forecast of the financial needs of an organisation should normally depend on the long term growth and profit plan of the organisation. By this, the financial manager will be able to determine the nature of funds needed by his organisation. This is because funds could be needed for expansion, in which case, such funds are of long-term nature.

2 Acquisition of Financial Resources  
Acquisition of financial resources is another important responsibility of the financial manager. This is based on the nature of funds needed by the organisation. The financial manager has to determine the time at which such funds could be acquired in order to make them available to his organisation when it most needs them. Thus, timing of funds acquisition is very important in financial management. Timing can equally help to reduce the cost of borrowing if the financial manager knows when to raise such funds from the market. The most important thing for the financial manager to do in terms of funds acquisition is to decide on where he is going to acquire such funds.

The nature and source of funds will determine the cost of borrowing. Funds could be raised from a bank, a non-bank financial  institution or from the capital market. The ability of a financial manager to raise funds from any of the sources would be determined by the size as well as the level of credit worthiness of the business organisation. The financial manager has to make the basic decision of whether funds should come from external or internal sources.  In the case of internal sources, he has to help in the formulation of appropriate dividend policy which will help him to achieve his objectives.

3 Allocation of Financial Resources  
Allocation of financial resources is the third important responsibility of the financial manager. Since the objectives of most businesses are profitability and liquidity, the financial manager has to allocate funds to assets that would help in the achievement of these objectives. The allocation of funds is normally done in a way that would minimise or eliminate over investment in fixed assets, or stock piling of inventory. In allocation of funds, the financial manager is normally conscious of maturity transformation in order to guarantee the firm its needed liquidity level.

4 Funds Management  
Funds management is highly related to allocation of funds. The financial manager can invest temporary surplus funds in securities to earn interest income for the company. He should know when to invest and when to divest. It is also the responsibility of the financial manager to prepare periodic reports on the finances of the organisation for the information of Management, Board of Directors, shareholders and the general public who may be interested in the affairs of the organisation.

5 Financial Analysis and Interpretation
The financial manager can also undertake the analysis of the historical financial data of the company in order to advise management on appropriate corporate and management strategies to adopt. An appropriate interpretation of financial analysis can always afford him to do this.  By his close association with the financial markets, the financial manager is in a position to determine the anticipated influence of fiscal and monetary policies on his company’s operations. It is his responsibility to pass informed judgement to management in order to adopt appropriate management strategies which can minimise such effects on the company’s operations.

6 Financial Planning and Control
The responsibility of the financial manager includes participation in product pricing. The determination of unit cost of production is done by accounting method and is under the control of the financial manager. Thus, pricing of products also attracts his attention since his objective is to maximise the difference between revenues and costs. Long-range planning, financial planning and control and budget preparation are very closely related.


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  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


  16. Thank you for sharing such detailed insights into financial management principles and the multifaceted role of a financial manager. Your blog provides valuable guidance for small business owners in understanding the critical functions of financial management. It underscores the importance of having a knowledgeable and skilled Financial manager for small business to effectively anticipate financial needs, acquire financial resources, allocate funds efficiently, manage cash flows, and conduct financial analysis and interpretation.
