
Monday 22 June 2015

What are Financial Assets ?

The financial assets are the financial instruments that are traded in the financial markets such as money market and capital market. These financial assets constitute the documentary evidence of the funds raised from the investors and savers who have surplus to part with for the use of corporate entities and government. The financial assets are inherently products of transactions in both the money market and the capital market. Such markets are well established in some economies while they are just being entrenched in some other economies.

The financial assets as products of transactions in the financial markets can be denominated in various currencies particularly the local currencies of various economies around the world. There are those financial instruments that are traded across international boundaries in some countries especially in highly developed capital markets in US, UK, Japan, France, and South Africa, just to mention but a few. Such financial assets are usually denominated mainly in American dollars and any other international money that is acceptable around the world.

Financial assets are normally issued in units such that the number of subscribers can be in threshold of thousands. For instance, a State Government Bond can be a total sum of N30 billion but in the denomination of N1,000 per unit of subscription. Therefore, the total amount of the amount has to be subscribed by many if not numerous investors at the end of the subscription period. This arrangement of raising funds through the financial markets is applicable to all financial instruments (e.g., Federal Government Loan Stock, shares, debentures, treasury bills, treasury certificates, etc) being used in such markets.

The financial assets can be grouped into two main categories such as debt instruments and equity instruments. These are explained below.

i) Debt Instruments 
These are the financial instruments that are normally used by corporate entities and government to raise funds on the basis of debt obligations. This implies that such financial instruments are repayable by the organizations issuing them for raising funds from the financial markets from their operations.   The holders, therefore, are entitled to the funds at maturity dates in addition to the regular income accruing to them on them on the basis of interest payments by the corporate entities and government. Some of such instruments can be redeemed before their maturity dates as agreed to by the parties involved in the transactions. Such financial assets or instruments are also negotiable, being capable of being traded for cash before their maturity date. The various debt instruments being used for financial transactions in money market include the following:

> Treasury Bills;
> Treasury Certificates;
> Trade Bills; Commercial Papers; and
> Certificate of Deposits.

The above list is not exhaustive since there are new ones which are being developed and there are various ones that are peculiar to some specific economies that may not be available in some other economies.  The various debt instruments being used for financial transactions in capital market include the following:

> Development Loan Stocks;
> Debenture Stocks;
> Bonds;
> Mortgage Loan Stocks;
> Leases;
> Preference Shares; and
> Hire Purchase Contracts.

The above list is not exhaustive since there are variations in various world economies while there are new ones that are being developed. There are various ones that are peculiar to some specific economies that may not be available in some other economies.

ii) Equity Instruments
There are some financial instruments that are being used in the financial markets to raise equity funds by corporate entities. Such financial instruments are essentially Ordinary or Common Shares being used to raise funds to enhance the capital base of corporate organizations.


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